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I just got my braces off and I have to say it feels wonderful. All the staff at Associated Orthodontist were wonderful. I am so glad that I got to have my braces journey with Associated Orthodontists.

I think that the Associated Orthodontists are very good at what they do. They are qiuck, funny, and helpful to whoever needs it. They don't rush into doing stuff to your mouth just to earn money. If something doesn't look right but usally goes away they don't dive right into treatmeant they do what they have been trained to do the right way. They are also very well trained. I completely recommed the Associated Orthodontists.

Well I think the work the doctors and staff do at Associated Orthodontists is fabulous and it is so
cool when they actually give you a list of what you can and
cant eat. Also it is so useful that they give you a little pouch
of extra stuff like wax or a ortho-toothbrush . What also is great
is that the doctors and other people are so nice. I guess this means
the work the doctors and other people do is the best, number one, and
perfect. Trust me you should get your next set of braces, those cool invisi-line mechanisms, and much
more at Associated Orthodontists. ; )